Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:00 AM

9.5 mi


6:19 mi


70 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


I did my first "workout" of the summer this morning, in a 7 mile steady state run that I did while running through the Girl Scout camp and back up on Hardscrabble, then taking Douglas to town and returning home via 120 and Marcourt. It started out feeling pretty good but definitely got tougher a few miles in, especially on the Hardscrabble hills. I ran just under 7 miles in 40 min, which I was surprised myself to see came out to roughly 5:50 pace for the workout. That's considerably faster than I had though I would be going, but it's really great to see and explains why I was working a little harder than I had thought I should be.
