Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:00 PM

6.5 mi


32 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


I did a portion of today's tempo workout, which went great. While most people did 5-6 miles I stopped after only 3, and though I was aiming for about 5:45 pace I ended up hitting about 5:30 for the first two miles (and was then told to slow down and run with Siegel who was falling off of the group ahead of me so I did only a 5:48 for the last one). Despite the very fast pace (especially for a tempo) I felt great for the whole thing and never felt like I was pushing as hard as I would have thought for that kind of pace, which is a really great sign.

I followed the workout with a mile cool down, and then a 25 min bike. I finished up with almost 15 min of core.
