Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:00 AM

9.1 mi


6:25 mi


58 F


8 / 10
6 / 10


I got out for a second workout of the week, doing about 4.9 miles at tempo, but it didn't go great. I was still much more tired from Wednesday (and perhaps the cumulative effect of the last two and a half weeks, too) than I had expected, and it showed in the tempo. The pace was slower than I would have hoped (5:50-6:00), and I had to take a 0.3-mile recovery after the first two miles, while I was tackling the long hill into Vandoeuvres. Even during the long downhill coming back the pace didn't get above about 5:50, but my heart rate stayed high. Need to make sure I recover properly and give my body the time it needs to catch up with my eagerness to get fully back in shape.
