Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:45 PM

9.5 mi


6:40 mi


76 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


I headed out late tonight for my run because I was so busy for the rest of the holiday and had been hoping that it would cool off later on since it was well over 90 degrees for much of the day. While the temp did drop a good amount I was disappointed to find that it had become extremely humid (98%) which wasn't great. Nevertheless I headed out on a new route going into town via 120 down Washington Ave to Pleasantville, then taking Marble Ave down to Thornwood before turning onto the road that goes past Shop Rite and then heading down to meet 117 and heading back into town and home again. It was the flattest run I've done in a very long time which was a wonderful change, and I was finally feeling pretty good for the first time in a few days. I did a 6 mile steady state tonight (with a 2 mile warm up and a 1.5 mi cool down) in about 38 min (6:15/mi) which wasn't super fast but I was feeling smooth and strong and felt like I definitely could have been pushing harder if it weren't for the terrible humidity (it felt like I could have started swimming).
