Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 PM

8.5 mi


6:22 mi


78 F


8 / 10
9 / 10


Did a moderate workout this evening of a 6.5 mi steady state run, going down Hardscrabble (and beginning the workout on Valley Ln at the 1.5 mi mark) to 120, up to Roaring Brook Rd and McKesson Hill, down to Lawrence Farms Crossway and Kerry Ln, then back up Shady Ln to Cross Ridge and Chap Mtn, then down 120 to town and taking Douglas to CST with a loop around Spring Rd and Martha Ln for distance. The steady state generally felt pretty good, and I maintained a pretty solid pace for it. I don't know why I had thought that this route would be somewhat flat/good for a workout, but I was hurting on some of the big hills (especially Shady Ln for some reason). Also, I had never run Spring Rd before and was surprised to find that it was an extremely steep, fairly long hill that I was not at all prepared for and that nearly killed me. All in all I was pleased with the workout, having done the 6.5 mi in just under 40 min (so a touch over 6:00 pace). Still loving the new, super bright shoes, and I'm very happy to see that the aches and pains I had been feeling have completely gone away.
