Run: Long Previous Next


4:00 PM

9.2 mi


6:48 mi


40 F


7 / 10
10 / 10
  • Map

22.11.15 MMR


2.7, 6:30


2.2, 6:05

I went for a "long run" this afternoon, which was actually the longest run I've done it quite some time. However, thanks to several factors, this was also one of the best runs I've had in a while. I did the Rhone trails for the first time in too long, and really enjoyed being in the woods. I went out just feeling comfortable and relaxed, which was about 6:30s. The trails seemed to have slowed me down (naturally) to something closer to 7:00s, but then I really started pushing the final couple of miles coming home - without ever going anaerobic - and I averaged about 6:05s while still feeling really good. An awesome feeling when you can get it.

Also, this weekend it suddenly got cold after many weeks of high 50s/low 60s, and I had forgotten how great it feels to run when it's in the low 40s. I felt really smooth and strong, and the run didn't feel like a chore - I wasn't checking my watch to see how much further I had to go.

Finally, though yesterday's flurries didn't stick in the city, it did bring the first of snow of the season to the mountains, and it made for beautiful views during the run. The snow makes such a difference! The sun was also setting during the latter part of the run, and this brought some amazing pinks and golds to the side of the snowy Salève. Not bad!
