Swim: Mixed Previous Next


12:30 PM

2200 yd


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I went to the pool today for my workout, but unfortunately it didn't go too well. I started out feeling good, and I did my normal warm up (300 swim, 200 pull, 100 kick), then a set of 6x100 free on 1:30 (coming in on about 1:10 every time, which I was really pleased with), then 2x300 alt 100 back/100 free build, and then I started a set of 200 IMs but while doing the first one I found that my glute was starting to get more painful (especially during breaststroke, bu also off the walls). I decided that, even though I was working hard and wanted to keep going, it was probably best to stop so I did a 200 cool down and got out to do a 13.5 min core session. I need to get my leg checked out though, because while it got a lot beter pretty quickly last week it's started to plateau now and I need it to finish getting better.
