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10:06 AM

7.3 mi


6:27 mi


160 bpm
182 bpm



7 / 10
7 / 10
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4 miles - alternating 1 mi @ ~marathon, 1 mi @ ~half marathon

Went back and forth on whether to do a workout this week or to "ease" back in after the days without running. Opted to go with the workout, though without pressing on any serious speed. This was actually my longest sustained faster effort of this block, and it was interesting to use the "marathon" pace blocks as the relative recovery. In retrospect, the paces were probably faster than my true potential race paces right now, but the workout felt pretty good. The quicker miles felt strong, and I did recover decently on the second "marathon" segment. Only the heat and the humidity undermined this feeling great. All in all a strong workout back.
