Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 PM

6.3 mi


6:14 mi


35 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

24.11.15 MMR


I did the first workout of my Boston prep, and it went even better than I had hoped. After a two-mile warmup I did 2.9mi at tempo in 16:40, averaging 5:45s. The route I took was mostly a gradual up for the first half on Rue de Lyon and Edmund Vaucher, and then back down again on Route de Meyrin to Cornavin. I'm sure the long downhill helped the average pace, but it was good to see that the long up for the first half didn't slow me down much.

It wasn't *easy* per se, but I definitely felt strong and could have kept going longer. Awesome to see that I already have this kind of fitness despite having run so inconsistently since the Tour de Canton.
