Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:20 AM

9.5 mi


6:12 mi


165 bpm
183 bpm


36 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Had a good run this morning through Vandeouvres and then back along the lake. After about 2.5 miles of warm-up, I launched into a 6-mile tempo that went pretty well. It was a hilly route, and it was very windy today, but the pace was still alright.

I did about 5:45-5:55 for the first two miles, which were flat but with a headwind. Then slowed to a 6:11 on an all-uphill mile with neutral wind, brought it back to a 5:45 with some uphill and then steep downhill on Chemin de Ruth down to the lake, and then did two miles at 5:30-5:35 along the lake with a strong tailwind.

The last miles along the lake felt very smooth, and though I had the wind at my back, am pleased with the pace at the end of the longest tempo I've done yet this season.
