Run: Long Previous Next


24.1 km


7:53 mi


Puma faas 550


179 lb


4 C


8 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map



This run was a bit of a disaster. Right from the first stride I realized that something was amiss. Things felt excessively hard. I had planned on running 32k at 4:30 min / km pace. I finished at 24k at 4:54 min / km pace. At 24k, I realized that to keep pushing through would only cause more harm than good... better to pack one in early and live to run another day. To add insult to injury, I had an encounter with a bunch of dogs running in Shubie park and ended tripping over one of them and taking a hard fall... pretty sore on my left side today. That said, my run was not going well long before bumping into the dogs (literally) and for whatever reason endurance for pace and distance just were not there.... so I had a run that literally went to the dogs - though they can't be blamed for how poorly I was running.

That said, all runners, have had a workout that inexplicably went into the tank so I am just going to toss it up to a bad day, take today off and get back at it tomorrow.

On the bright side, I was one week ahead on my training cycle so I can pick up this weeks long run next weekend.
