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4:11 PM

10.1 mi


9:47 mi


82 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Jug Bay


Cornfield Running...Altering workout mileage most days this week...Scheduled for a pace workout that I will move to Saturday when I run the Chaptico Classic 10K...Ran the scenic road over to Merkle where I ran a cornfield out and back along with the big field loop; up to Fenno Road entrance; Park HQ loop; and then back to base...Sky was nice and blue; warm but comfortable humidity...Foolishly didn't take any water with me so I was pretty parched by the finish...Wildlife: Several deer scattered over the course of the run...A couple of bikers were out but otherwise quiet...Recovery: A lot of water...Ten Miler: 27 out of 50 for 2014...1612c...felt good...
