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9:03 AM

3.1 mi


6:54 mi

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Splits 7:02, 6:59, 6:45, 5:28 (.10). Great run with Lewis. Plan was 22:00 (7:05 pace) but he had 7:02 in his head. Friend Cameron hung with us for much of the first mile. I was pulling more than pushing, frequently calling out our pace. He responded well and enjoyed reeling in other runners. In the second half, I told him to attack every incline and turn. Again, he responded well, so I knew he had gas in the tank. He was breathing heavy, though, so I took care not to tire him. Several times I cautioned him, "don't rest," not because I needed to, but because I tell myself this as I fight back the tendency to get impatient and to anticipate the finish. In the final stretch, I could tell he was motivated. We were steady at 6:46, which I called out several times so he'd know I wasn't speeding up as I pulled him along. He told me earlier his sport was football (perfect) and he played the 4-back position. After the final turn, I told him he had the ball and to "get the touchdown." Then "attack the chute." He accelerated ahead of me and I was going to let him finish ahead of me. But I realized that would be a missed opportunity, so I joined him and we sped through the chute. A couple minutes later, one of his classmates was puking after the finish. He had obviously pushed himself and I congratulated him after he settled down. I'm sure he felt better at that point and was equally proud.



Awesome job Greg and way to push a pretty talented guy. To put this in perspective .....Lewis is 10. I love the write up and thanks again for the help. It was awesome to have you guys involved.