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9:00 AM

6.3 mi


6:54 mi


9 / 10
8 / 10


Started with Fro and Egad at about a 6:40-45 pace, which was a little faster than I felt ready for. A year or two ago, this would not have been aggressive for me, but today I was planning to go out at a 7:00 pace and hopefully run negative splits. Within the first mile, though, our pace felt fine, and I was leading the way by the third mile. Our pace had not picked up at that point, so I felt that Fro and Egad had slowed. By the fourth mile, my pace had slowed, but I was still holding my ground among those around me. I did slow during the fifth mile, until Fro blew past me. Soon I discovered that I was now running a sub-6:40 pace trying to keep up with Fro. I could not hold this and lost sight of Fro before the finish. The last two miles were tough. By the time I finished, I was totally spent. It took me five minutes to catch my breath. I can only attribute this to increased age, although I am hopeful to improve my 10k performance with some speed work with Fro and Egad on Wednesday mornings.
