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8:00 AM

13.2 mi


6:54 mi


9 / 10
9 / 10


Official time 1:31:14 (6:58 pace). Garmin splits: 7:00, 6:56, 6:52, 6:53, 6:56, 6:50, 7:03, 6:52, 6:55, 6:46, 6:51, 6:46, 6:52, 6:57 (.23). This was very satisfying, as I doubted that I could hold a sub-1:32 pace, which was my goal to re-qualify for NYC in 2016. I needed 1:32:00 or better in the half or 3:14:00 or better in the full. I'll be shooting for a sub-3:14 in the full this year (Nov 1st) but I don't have to worry now.

I had forgotten my time from last year's Baystate Half, which was 1:32:27 (7:04 pace) and more than a minute and a half less than the gun time, whereas this year the difference was only 7 seconds. This reminds me that last year I started near the back, in part because I got to the starting area later and I did not try to squeeze through the crowd to get near the front. This year I did work my way through the crowd to the front, but there seemed to be more room than last year.

I planned a 7:00 pace. I did not want to run any faster, fearing that I would not be able to hold pace. My Garmin lapped the first mile 5-10 seconds before I reached the mile mark, which made me realize that I needed to run faster than a 7:00 pace if I had any chance of reaching my goal. I did this without difficulty until mile 7. This is when my worry set in. I figured, "Here we go again," fully expecting to fade for the remaining miles. Fortunately, however, I was going up a hill at the time, and there was a downhill ahead. I got back on pace for mile 8 and managed to hold this pace, thanks to a few runners near me who pushed me along. I thought they were going to pass me, but I managed, just barely, to keep them at bay.

Approaching the finish, one of these runners did put it high gear, and I could not keep up with him. We congratulated each other after I crossed the line 7 seconds behind him. He took 3d place in our division (50-59) at age 57. Not bad, I thought. Turns out the 2d place finisher was less than 7 seconds ahead of him at 1:31:01.

With this as a guide, I should now be able to pace myself for even splits at NYC on November 1st. I would like to equal or my time from last year (3:12:57). If I equal that, it will be even splits. If I better that, it will be negative splits.



Great run Greg. Way to go get it.


Thanks, Steve. Just looking at your mileage, nice!


Go get it in the Big A now!

Dave T.

Congrats on the NYQ! Great race!