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6 mi

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Do you have strong opinions on anything... something you're so passionate about that you have punched countless holes into your apartment walls over? For me, that thing is goldfish. They fucking make my skin crawl. First of all, how dare you maim and kill harmless little fishies with tiny ass brains and crush them up into cheesy cracker snacks. Secondly, do you even know how bad they are for you? Some guy I knew heard from his best friend's ex-girlfriend's best friend that they contain arsenic, and are a mechanism to kill off those who natural selection is coming for. So the next time you think about putting that mustard-colored saw dust munch into your vesicle, chew on this instead: you are weak, you are going to die of encephalopathy and you are NOT vegan. SAD!

Oh, and my run went well ( I should probably talk more about that, right?). This time, I only shattered one of my knee caps and I tripped maybe, hmmm, 16 times? That's a pretty good day's work! You see, if I run alone I forget ~how~ to run and then end of falling and crying several times. But I am getting better! I miss Tim; he was always there to show me how to pick up my feet and put them back on the ground. And he would occasionally sit and cry with me :(


Evan Patel

I have been unable to run more than 4 steps at a time without Tim's guidance. I've gained SO MUCH weight


I rolled my ankle everyday Tim wasnt at practice. Ever since quarantine Ive had to run in medical boots to make sure my ankles cant roll because Tim isnt here to protect me