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10:58 AM

6.8 mi


7:22 mi


140 lb


80 F
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3.36 miles @ 6:13/mi.

Only way to describe this workout: meh. I still don't think I'm quite ready for "float" workouts. Its funny how I can roll 3 miles at marathon pace just fine, but this just wrecked me. I wanted a flat trail to do this on, and I I'm kind of sick of running on the LRT, so I tried out this trail out in south saint paul along the river. It was nice, except for this stinky waste rendering plant. That kind of psyched me out a bit, along with getting out a little later and the dog was dragging as well.

Also, I should have taken the float portions slower to the pace too. For me, its hard to differentiate between a float pace and a straight up recovery portion which I need to work on. Anyway, I was shooting for 6 reps of this, and I got through the 4th and noticed I was starting to fall off so I just bagged it from there. Reset, then did 4x1:00 just so I didn't feel like a complete idiot.

Stretched and rolled then went to work on the paper some more.


Spencer Davis

Nothing like crossing the wakota bridge on a hot summers day...


Gotta hit the prescribed paces or this workout will kill you.