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6:40 PM

8 km


5:22 mi


125 lb


79 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
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Bison Invite


A good first race back. Wondering how this would go based off of how I felt on tempos over the summer went and what not but I call this very successful!

Monson wanted us to get out slow today and everyone had to be behind sam. Really was jumping all around at the start and was ready to move. We were pretty much all in the back and had the entire race in front of us. Eventually hit the first mile and I took off (should have slowly moved up, the pack would have eventually came to me). Got settled into a group of runners consisting of grady anderson from ndsu and another dude from sdsu. Basically it was the three of us working off of each other the whole time since krsnak was destroying it way up front (he was doing a workout). For about through 5k it was all of us just trading off the lead. I knew grady was tired because he was breathing extremely heavy and I still felt pretty relaxed overall. At about what I believe was after 5k I put on a surge going down a hill to try and stir things up a little. Definitely did, grady would fall off and I would proceed to be chasing the guy from sdsu for the rest of the race. Had about a k to go and I knew lindstrom would be knocking on my door shortly so I started to pick it up and start moving even more. Eventually hit the last 400 and cruised in nice and controlled.

Very pleased with this today, way ahead of where I was last year and I know there is much more room for improvement since workouts have yet to start. Pretty much need to keep running smart and the team will all improve the way we should.

Im pumped for this season, first time we beat NDSU in i dont know how long and they pretty much had their full squad in. Time to roll.



Nice last 1 km!!! Let's work on 4 - 7 km. I think you have 8 of that last km in you though...