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9:40 AM

8.4 mi


3.78 mi / hr


75 F
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Return journey back. Portaging still sucked but it was a lot better than the first time. EVentually made it across there and looked for a spot to cliff jump but the cliffs werent that great.

LaBlanc wanted to climb one of the cliffsides inland a little bit so we stopped for about 2 hours to scale that. Pretty much walking through brush the whole time and made it to the top, had some sweet views but we decided that it probably wouldn't be in his best interest to repel up and down the cliff with a novice mountaineer with him.

After that it wasnt much of a pleasurable journey, because of a headwind the whole way in addition to larger waves and whitecaps. Pretty much was glad when we got back.

Okay, so I ended up taking 4 days off with all of this, with proper time management it shouldn't have been this many, so I need to get some focus back. Taking off this much time will only set me back more, however, I feel like the rest helped out with any last aches or pains in my knee, see how mondays run goes I guess...
