Run: Long Previous Next


5:40 AM

18 mi


6:27 mi

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This didn't quite feel like a typical long run and I kind of knew that it wouldn't be at the start. I wanted to do a long run today, but I also wanted to run with Adam. Ideally I would have done 8 mile first and then met up with Adam so that the faster paced miles would have fit in more naturally with the flow of the long run, but I didn't want to get up before 5 to make that happen. Instead I ran started running at 5:40am before meeting up with Adam at 6:00 to run with him. I feel like we had more of a patient start than we usually do but that gave way to a bit faster pace than we usually go as well. I did 10 miles with him on the Trout Run Trail in about 61min and change. A lot of our miles were right around 6:00 and some dipped under especially on some of the miles with more down-hill.

After running with Adam I made a quick pit-stop at my place to use the bathroom before heading out for 5 more miles. I was on the trails and feeling really good and wanted to go 20 but then my IT-band said otherwise and so I just went home so as not to aggravate it any more. Since it took 16 miles before my IT-band bothered me (especially after some solid miles), I'm not worried about it being as big of an issue as it was a few weeks back.


Maggie P

Stil an impressive long run! Nice work Cholo!