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7:15 AM

17.1 mi


10:17 mi


174 lb
110 bpm
120 bpm
64 bpm


70 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Plus 5.3m walking.Adds up to 22.4 covered. Don't know why but hit the wall at the bridge on way back.One min walk breaks at m12.5, 13.5 and 15. Knew I was in trouble so I walked 3.6m from bridge to get home. Hip was flairing a little but stretching relieved that. Just ran out of gas.

Good things-

Good rest day yesterday.No pushups.

Good dinner (steak and potatoes) last night.No beers.

Bananna before run then 4 gu's along way.Water and water- downed Gatorade, 32oz.

Tight hip at times but parts were pretty good.

Possible bad things-

maybe too many hills during week .Tempo 5, then CQ hills twice, including Friday.

no run yesterday.Maybe should have done 2-3m.

no lunch yesterday,3 cups coffee different w/u w Buddy.Walked 1.7 then ran 3.1 with him to home.

very humid- 90% at least
