Run: Tempo Previous Next


3.7 mi


5:23 mi


Okay so this started off jank. I felt like one of those runs wehre you can just always poop and then theres always more for a half mile later, so I just kinda had to push trhough it for as long as I could in the tempo. Stopped at like halfway and Ty did too (which I kinda felt bad about), basically it was a jank but also good tempo because we started the first mile on some rolling hills in millenium park and I took a wrong turn and went to the road whereas tyler stayed on teh path which was the hard of the two options, and then once we met back up I pooped, and then we got going again and he kinda pushed it for like half a mile and then I took the reins and felt strong leaning into the pace and eventually strung him out and realized I was on my way to being a complete baller. teh splits went 5:34, 5:25, 5:14, and .72@5:15 pace.
