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2.5 mi


6:51 mi

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<No name>


running light mileage on it to help it get back on track, if I get it healthy quicker I can jump mileage up a bit faster , but I don't want to do much on it cuz I've got more imporatnt things to focus on. If this 10k isn't gonna happen, I gotta look for some late april, early may opportunities maybe. Get Ty, wittland, pettinga, someone to pace me for a 5k? find a fast track race somewehre? maybe a GV last chance or something? who knows.



Fred, if you're looking for a race to do, I'm running this half marathon in GR on April 24th. Name of the races is Riverton Races They say it will be happening in person. I believe Hyde knows the race director. They have a 5k and 10k as well. Not sure how competitive it will be but if you're interested.


Apologies, that should be Rivertown Races


Thanks man! Ill definitely look into that!