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3:15 PM

6 mi


7:10 mi



Started the day volunteering at the Orange and Blue meet. Got long/triple again but got to help with pole vault after, so that was cool. Went straight back, geared up, and headed back to the Armory to start my run. Found Kelli, Reb, and a few others as they were walking out from the meet with pizzas in hand. Kelli and Reb offered me a slice, but Reb was the only one to actually follow through with the offer (Kelli just wants to get fat), so I got a slice of Papa Johns and continued on with the run. It was a damn good slice of pizza, except it was cold by the time I got to the football field intersection since I was heading out to the Tempo Loop. There was a heavy snow coming down that stuck to things and just kinda melted a cold wetness everywhere which sucked, but it wasn't too bad when I turned around back North. I just did part of the tempo and then a 3k at the Arb before heading back. Just an easy recoveryish Saturday instead of taking the whole day off.
