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4:15 PM

8 mi


7:45 mi

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Country Club


Classic Country Club loop today. Weather around 30 with little to no wind. Decent day out, but I felt tired and slow and just needed another slow day of recovery, so I took it. I basically ran with Muneeb and Butch the whole time.

It turned out to be quite the philosophical run. I guess in just a really general sense, we talked about living life to the fullest and enjoying the blessings that we have while we still can. I've always thought about that a lot, but I couldn't help but toss that idea around in my mind for the entire run and many hours after it. I always want to try new things and do more, but there is never enough time. I feel like I barely have enough time to run everyday anymore while still being active in Triangle. Those are only two things. I didn't even go to any build sessions for Student Aircraft Builders last semester for God's sake. I want to change that and make the most of my time and never waste a second of it. I guess that's the philosophy behind how I want to live. It's also a HUGE reason why I love the cross country and track club so much. The fact that all of these people are investing their time, energy, and even money to do what they love is proof how much this means to us. No one is forcing you to get up at 8 on a Sunday to go do a long run or dragging you down to the Armory at 10 pm to do a workout. No, we're all doing it for the simple love of running. We enjoy this little blessing and continue to do so everyday.



I frequently contemplate similar things. Sometimes I have goals, but neglect even pursuing them in exchange for the safe comfort of complacency.