Run: Long Previous Next


3:03 AM

11.3 mi


6:24 mi


50 F
  • Map


It has never felt so good to skip Sunday morning long runs. I slept in and I have no regrets. Again, my body could have probably used the sleep, and I think it helped. I headed out around 3, and the weather was beautiful. Sunny with a high of 52. It was thee perfect weather for no shirt if you stick in the sun, so I tried to find a route with the most sun. I settled on Tempo loop to A loop to Statues and back after adding a bit towards the East. Legs were feeling great, and the best part is that the rest of my was too finally. Because of the Sunday weather, there was a crap ton of people out. Runners everywhere. But especially the fake kind. Statues trail was filled to the brim. After running East a bit, I was rolling. I started at 7:00 and slowly moved down to a nice 6:45. Saw Mollway at the corner of Pennsylvania and Lincoln and joined him down to Green. I turned left down Green, and Hamblen and maybe Hummer were running? They asked me to join them, so I did. It was cool to run with some bois that I haven't run with before. We talked a bit about our seasons as we slowly dropped the pace to 5:45. I don't know what it was, but I was just cruising so easily today. They were scared the pace was too fast for me, but it felt fine. We did what I think they called a quad loop or something and then they broke off towards the Armory as I finished back towards the house. I have to say that has got to be the fastest long run I've ever had, and it felt great. I needed that after such crappy recent training weeks. I think last week really gave my body the recovery it needed. It felt amazing to finally have a great run again. I took my time stretching, doing mobility and rolling out after this run. Quick chest lift after


Cody Lund

Typical Hamblen, always pushing the pace. He'd always do the same in high school

Kevin Callahan

Speedy boi