Run: Tempo Previous Next


5.5 mi


8:52 mi


ASICS Piranha


126.5 lb
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Supposed to be a 35-minute tempo run--I planned for 5.5 miles, steady increase up to max at mile 4, then ease off but NOT a jog for 5, then jog for last half mile. First mile net uphill, easy @9:55, second averages flat, picked up to 8:52, third net downhill @8:03, fourth net downhill @7:28, last mile net uphill @8:19, last half mile jog @10:14.

I felt good today, not tired, nothing hurts. A bit less hot than it has been. I see I have 2 more of these coming up, not sure if I will use the same course (first 5.5 miles of 6-mile loop course). I liked doing it but my hardest effort comes in net downhill segments and somehow that feels like cheating.

I LIKED the Piranhas, so much so that I ordered another pair since they are like half price.
