Run: Easy Previous Next


3 mi


10:44 mi


Originally this was to be 6 miles of hills, the hilly loop twice. I didn't get out until almost 7, warm, sunny and humid w/not much breeze. Figured I'd do 1 loop easy, see how that felt and decide what to do, as I have been on the tired side since Sunday's run and did some lawn mowing yest afternoon. I felt a bit tired but mostly really struggling w/the sun on my face and the humidity. Probably COULD have hammered out the 6 I originally planned, but it would not have been very fast and it would likely have taken quite a toll on me. (Plus I simply didn't have time to do 6 miles at that pace before work).

Once I saw the pace, I figured I'd pack it in for today and possibly add a couple miles and maybe some intensity to tomorrow's run, making sure to get out VERY early before it gets bad. I'll leave Saturday as it is and try for 10 hilly miles on Sunday again.

Training Plan Entry


3 mi

Do hills behind the house again.
