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17 mi


9:56 mi


124.5 lb
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Elm Grove 17


Started at 4 AM to avoid heat today. First 2 miles @about 10:30, feeling OK but maybe just a bit tired. Wanted to do about a 10:00 pace if possible--faster would be OK but had no expectations that it would happen. Only checked watch a few times, tried to run by how I felt. At 6 miles, I was at maybe 1:02 or so, 10:20. Did not eat before leaving and at about 7-8 miles, felt lightheaded and a bit off. Walked a little, ate 3 Power Gel chewy things, drank some water, then off again. At 9 miles, about 1:33, so still hanging at 10:20 or so. At 12 miles was at 2:04, so still holding pretty steady at 10:20. Walked a bit again and ate 3 more chewies and had some water, rinsed off my face, and buckled down for the last 5. I wanted, on the one hand, to pick it up a bit, but on the other, was like "well, I have the bulk of my run in at a 10:20 pace, I am feeling OK if not fantastic, no point in kicking the shit out of myself in these last few miles, so let's try to use downhills, hold steady on flats and slow as needed on hills." Apparently I did manage to pick it up as I finished with a 9:56 pace overall, so it would seem I dropped to a 9:40-ish pace, if my math is right? Anyway, it's all good.

I drank to thirst and used about 2 full bottles on the Amphipod but was WAY hydrated before going out and had to pee probably 4-5 times. Felt the fatigue in my butt and hamstrings in the last few miles so maybe the exercises are actually helping to activate those muscles, felt as if form was probably good except maybe more of a heel strike than I would have liked (but that happens when I am tired and I need to keep vigilant on this...). All in all, pretty tired at the end but a pretty successful run, can't complain at all.

Also wanted to mention that I really tried to focus on using the downhills to speed up while still running easy and on shortening strides but keeping cadence and easy effort on uphills. Said to myself "harmony w/the world, all the forces of the world are here to help you finish and do well if you respect them and work with them." Made a point to enjoy the breeze when I felt it and to think how it was cooling me off and helping me out, to appreciate the shade when I ran in shady areas. The miles clicked off pretty good today, really no drudging along and good recovery from the 8-mile low blood sugar problem.
