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5:45 PM

3.5 mi


9:26 mi


No name



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So I didn't look specifically at the Training Program and I thought I was only supposed to do 3 miles. My bad... So I did three miles or so and went really slow. I didn't have any music either....And when I say slow, I mean, SLOW. So it seemed like it took quite a while and it felt like it took more effort even though, I know it really didn't. So yeah, it was really, nice, but a bit windy. My head just feels really foggy and I can't seem to think through things clearly.... I have really found that running helps me just zone out and think of absolutely nothing, just the action of running. Also, I really tried to focus on my breathing. In for 4 strides and then out for 3 strides. If I am going to go that slow, I need to focus on my breathing. Otherwise, I dont' know, I just feel as though I have a lot on my plate right now. This is the one thing though that I know is a constant and something that I can really look forward to, you know. So yeah, that' me...
