Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:16 AM

9 mi


9:00 mi


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Excellent set of tempo intervals. Felt more rested at the start of the workout & my legs felt fresher than Monday & Tuesday. Good solid warm up. Slowly built up pace & by the end of the mile was ready for the harder intervals. Found pace very early in mile one of interval one & then maintained it to the end of the interval. Intervals 2 and 3 were essentially a repeat of number 1. Found pace with the first quarter mile & then had no difficulty keeping the effort and pace at that same level for the entire two mile stretch. The half mile recoveries were comfortable and set me up perfectly for the start of the next interval. Cool down was relaxed and steady after the hard interval efforts. Completed full set of exercise routines after the workout.
