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8:00 AM

13.1 mi


8:56 mi


170 lb
168 bpm
180 bpm
55 bpm


60 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

1116 / 3484 (32%)
94 / 206 (45.6%)
702 / 1500 (46.8%)


Ended up being a great race for me, even with the poor amount of training leading up to this. Not that I came out any faster than I have been but I ran it really well, I kept a close eye on my hr the first half of the race. Making sure to keep it in the low 160s and then let it creep up toward the end. I had good negative split with not too much left in the reserve at the end. Oh and I lost probably a minute by having to take a bathroom break. All in all the race was well organized and I really enjoied it. I need to keep this experience fresh in my head for the thanksgiving day race.

My Splits

Mile Time (avg hr)

1-2 17:45 (153) - missed the first mile marker and did not hit the button. These were too good miles and I was a little suprised at how good I felt running a sub 9 min mile, still I kept it dailed back.

3 9:18 (165) - right where I want to be. I really had to go to the bathroom though, I kept seeing guys jumping behind bushes because the portapotty lines were so long. I knew I would have to do the same soon, if the next bathroom was occupied.

4 9:15 (168) - staying consitent. Jumped behind the full portapotties and went!

5 8:55 (167) - had to make up a little time for the bathroom break, still feeling good, hr in good spot.

6 8:50 (169) - a little too fast

7 9:03 (169) - hr creeping up, a couple of longer hills added to this, still feeling pretty good. Top of right foot started hurting a little, wondering if I tied shoes too tight.

8 9:18 (169) - getting a little hotter our, running in more sun now and another hill. This was a tough mile.

9 8:54 (168) - more level ground, decided to keep the pace steady as I approached mile ten. Did not shift gears, yet.

10 8:51 (171) - good mile, some incline let my pace pick up

11 8:48 (173) - really letting things start to open up.

12 8:35 (177) - alright, lets get this moving. Really began to increase my candance and lept foward.

13.1 9:12 (180) - Wooooo, uh o, looks like I got out infront of myself based on the time, but this really turned into a big hill. Keep the effort at top line. Turned the corner and headed for the finish line.

The crowds lined the street and since it was still early in the race, they were very energtic, it was an awsome experience.

Official Splits

5 Mile Split 13.1 Mile Split Finish Time Pace

45:17 1:49:08 1:56:51 04:27 <-that is obviously wrong :)
