Run: Race Previous Next


6:45 AM

26.2 mi


9:12 mi


170 lb


45 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

1462 / 4752 (30.8%)
165 / 333 (49.5%)
1136 / 2719 (41.8%)
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Excellent. There was a fire on Eastern ave. that delayed the start by 15mins an foreced a reroute of the course, although I have not seen an offical distance for the course, based on mine and others Garmins the course was a half mile longer (26.7 miles) (edit: offical statement now is that course was .25 miles longer). Overall I am really happy with my race, it went pretty much to plan. I felt much better this year heading into mile 20 and maintained that until around mile 23.5, then my quads were twinging like guitar strings. I pushed through and ran 8:53 mile 25. Also, I ran "the hill" exactly like I wanted to, @ 9:30 pace, and was very happy when I reach the top.

I took a bathroom break at the oasis @ 13.2, according to the garmin this took me approximatly 60 seconds (this is not reflected in the garmin time, because I hit stop, but is in the chip time).

Easiest Mile: 11 - Coming through Hyde Park was great, I was feeling awsome.

Toughest Mile: 24 - Quads were crying and I was too.

Othere notes: The crowd lining 7th st. was thick and boisterious. It was awesome running down the street with all the people cheering and the early morning sun streaming in. Reflecting back on my training, I had some good weeks and stuck to getting one tempo run a week done. Still, I have some consitancy issues, that I need to get under control to really take my performance up a level. I really felt that 22 mile progressive tempo run, with the last ten miles near race pace paid off. Oh, and the GU really worked out as well.

chip clock over gend age

1503 Nathan Fortner Florence KY Male 30 to 34 34 M 4:01:55 4:03:45 1462 1136 165
