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7:03 AM

22 mi


9:11 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Well I did it. What a tough workout. I wasn't sure when I felt like I was stuggling to maintain sub 9min miles from 10-16, but I found another gear for the end.. Some of these miles included a bathroom break and stopping to pick up my gloves that I had discarded.

So my plan was a progressive 22 miler.

1 - 10 m @ easy pace (whatever)

10 - 16m @ marathon + 15 secs (9:00)

16 - 22 m @ or below marathon pace (8:45)


1 - 10m @ 9:41 -first 10 were not that fun, and I felt in the grove for a few miles but in general in felt blah

11 - 16m @ 8:59 -these miles were harder than they should have been, i am blaming on the wind

17 - 22m @ 8:30 -things got a lot better, I felt suprisingly strong. This was not easy but I wasn't dead afterward.

I also got 50 miles in this week. Most ever!

Misc notes: the weather sucked, cold and very windy with gust around 20mph. On the otherside my refueling strategy was very successful. 4 GUs. Also, I had a little right toe twing around miles 11 that was on and off till the end. Not sure if new shoes, miles, or too tight laces. Will monitor.
