Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 AM

16.2 mi


9:23 mi


170 lb
155 bpm
171 bpm


7 / 10
8 / 10
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Garmin Run


6m @ >9:30

10m @ <9:07

Great run, even with the cold rain. Started easy to finish first 6 (avg pace 9:52, then ramped up to expected marathon pace (avg pace 9:05). Aimed route so I would have to run "the big hill" in oakbrook. Tried to maintain marathon pace up the hill but it was too steep, I think I ened with a 10min pace up it. Nonetheless, the run was great.

Also, I tried GU for the first time. I consumed one 15min before I started (on an empty stomatch, as recommended) and then another when I passed by the house at mile 12, with water. I would say I tolerated them. I did not have stomatch issues but did burp some. I am not sure if I will use these for the marathon or not. Will try them again next week for the 20.
