Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

2.40 km9:253:56IPPT1/18/2010View Race
3.00 km13:274:29Legs and Paddles run leg8/23/2009View Race
5.00 km22:474:34MacRitchie10/4/2009View Race
10.00 km1:04:226:27Bedok Reservoir7/22/2007View Race
10.30 km54:595:21Bedok Reservoir7/27/2008View Race
11.20 km1:07:316:02Random8/17/2008View Race
11.50 km58:455:07Random6/8/2008View Race
12.00 km56:584:45RUN NUS 20098/30/2009View Race
Half Marathon2:22:236:45SCSM 0712/2/2007View Race