Run: Hill Previous Next


3.8 mi

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<No name>


I didn't have access to a track near my house today and there isn't a hill alternative listed for this rep workout, so I decided to base this more on the workout from last week, only difference being I did a circuit with 3 different length/grade hills. The first was medium steepness and medium length (~:50), second was a little less steep but longer (~1:30), and the last was shorter but the most steep (~:45-:50). Rest was approx 2 min jogging in between hills, little longer between sets. Felt surprisingly gross on the warm up after an off day yesterday, but much better once the workout got going. I had almost no shin pain today, which was shocking considering how sore it had been the past couple days... it's pretty unpredictable but I guess certain things just make it flare up more. Will keep icing, etc.

Few minutes of planks after
