Run: Easy Previous Next


6.2 mi


7:13 mi

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<No name>


Did just under 2 miles outside as a warm-up (7:30-7:40 pace) and then went on the treadmill because it is just too cold and i wanted to be able to go a little faster without slipping on ice or having my fingers and toes fall off from the cold...

Did a 30 min progression on the treadmill, starting around 7:40 pace and ending around 6:20 (speeding up about every quarter mile).. so sort of a tempo-ish effort? or maybe more like a DMP.. Felt pretty good, legs are still quite achy all over, maybe from not rolling out/ stretching well enough, or just not being adjusted to running this many days in a row yet.. not sure.

Lifted after, did something sort of like the badger circuit (hip exercises, pull ups, dips, lunges, squats, lat pull downs, core)
