Run: Tempo Previous Next


3 mi


6:27 mi


161 lb
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TM running


TM 1 deg. 19:00 5k has 6:24 ST pace; 19:15 5k has 6:29 ST pace. Did the 19:00 5k track repeats Monday but 6:24 for 3 miles looked really fast too me and I had anxiety about it. Wore flats, warmed up well, had energy drink. Checked TM speeds and 9.3 was 6:27, so went with that. (19:10 per pace sheet). Started out feeling pretty good, breathing well at first mile, no problem at halfway point, kept very good cadence at ~7-8/5sec, stride felt pretty good. At 2 mile still felt OK. Worked on concentrating on form, counting, getting foot up to my butt, etc. Last 5 min was getting a little fatigued, but nothing like racing. Breathing was well in control, never had to do counting or anything. Felt I could have gone another mile without to much stress. Feel like my stride is getting longer and stronger.

Very happy with this workout. We'll see how the TM translates to the road.

