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3.8 mi


4:55 mi

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<No name>


3:46, 3:42, 3:39, 3:38, 3:41 taking the wind of every one but the last one. Felt really good on these. The splits were quicker than usual which usually is a red flag, but I din't feel like I was straining at all on these, but time will tell with York and Schamburg if I made the right call. I personally decided to go faster for two objective reasons without considering how I felt since that changes day to day. One, last week I felt like I could go a lot faster, so the carryover showed a trend, secondly I hit a lot of miles the week prior, so I reasoned that feeling good on this workout could be more reflexive of my ability not the freshness of my body. Either way, it was a good workout and I hope to be at 3:38-3:37 in Ideal Conditions speed consistently for at least 2-3 weeks but will have to accommodate to what my teammates are doing. Some might not think it wise to go that fast, and some are straight up much faster than that and me, but I hope that enough people would be willing to do this pace to get a good group going (lol alliteration).
