Swim: Free Style Previous Next


7:30 AM

750 yd


8:00 / 100yd


149 lb


9 / 10
6 / 10
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I need to add "Swim suit" to equipment!!!! OMG, I actually was able to swim 4 lengths of the pool freestyle. Granted the water level dropped from my sucking and choking on the water. I actually did most of the laps with breast stroke. I also did 1 lap with the kick board... that burns and you feel like you're not moving. The first freestyle almost killed and I had to stop and do breast stroke for a bit to catch my breath. Did a few breaststroke lengths and I was able to do the next length breathing on both sides every thrid stroke. Made it all the way but almost died just before the end. The third one sucked. The last one wasn't bad. Ended up doing 30 lengths or a whopping 15 laps... I have a huge admiration that Robin can do 2500+ yds freestyle. She's a monster!!! Goal next week is to get to the pool twice during the week and actually freestyle 10 lengths. BTW, got a wicked kink in my neck - left side after the last length freestyle. My body is rebelling.
