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2:16 PM

20.3 mi


8:26 mi


149 lb
149 bpm
171 bpm


8 / 10
10 / 10
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Planned 18 miler at 8:35, ended up enjoying it too much and added on 2+ miles for 20.26 at 8:26. Happy with result, though left abbie was complaining some. Really worked hard to keep avg HR per mile at about 145 for the first half. Definitely have to do the same for Boston... start slowly and save it. This was sort of a progression run with the last 4-5 miles building up. Did eGel at mile 6.2 and 12.2.

Training Plan Entry


18 mi

MP + 45


L Train

Nice run Dave. You are in great shape!

Greg C

Curious how monitoring the HR affected what you did. Did you feel like you were having to hold way back for the first half, or was it not much change from what you would've done without the instant data? Would this have been a totally different run without the monitor?

Greg C

Oh, and yeah, what Lance said!

Dave T.

Thanks Guys... Rather than looking at pace, I only looked at HR for the first 10 or so miles. I made a point even on hills to keep HR with 5 pt range rather than maintain steady pace. How is this different? normally I would try to keep the average pace within the target area, no matter what it did to HR. As the run went on I noticed the HR climbed into the 150's, but pace also increased. I am curious if HR tends to increase as you tire?


Great run... glad I didn't have to keep up with you today! I find my HR actual drops a little in the early part of a long run like 3 or 4 miles in once i warm up. However, once I use up the carbs and normal blood glucose stores the HR starts to rise as I tire and fight to hold on.

Dave T.

Thanks Rob... Makes sense...I have read the your BP actually goes down asyou dehydrate also.