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12:08 PM

18.1 mi


8:24 mi


30 F


9 / 10
8 / 10
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Lance Boston Prep Hills

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Hilly long run with the group - Cremer, MacPhee, Lance, McCullough and me. Tough course Lance routed out... Lots of big hills... Managed it, but it wasn't particularly pretty. The last big one at mile 15 I crawled up it, but did it.

Supposed to be a planned 18 miler at 8:38 pace. The boys pushed the old man (at least ten years older than youngin's including my red headed son with the soft skin!). Glad they pushed, its good for me... as MacPhee says, "There may be hills in Boston!" Got a funky blister on my left second smallest toe... got hot on the downhills. Did two eGels at water stop. The first one really revived me. The second one never really kicked it.

Got back to Y and did 7 laps in the pool. Had some pretty impressive calf and hammy cramps. Stretched out and the cool water definately helped. Thanks guys for a good run.
