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9:17 AM

19.6 mi


8:18 mi


34 F


9 / 10
8 / 10
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Miller's 19.5 Durham, NH

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My last planned long run before the taper! Ran from Vicki and Tom Miller's in Durham... what a gorgeous house!. Drove over with Michelle and Jimbo. About 40-50 WCRC runners there doing either a 12, 16 or 19 run. First part of the course were the hills from the Great bay Half Marathon. I remembered them well. They were so much more a challenge last year compared to this year. I actually felt stronger! The whole 19+ mile course was laden with some pretty big, and long 'monster' hills along with an intense wind in the face. But I kept up and did them rather smoothly. Made a choice early to try to stick with the youngsters in the head of the pack. I figured it was a better workout for me than them. The course went from Durham to Newmarket to Lee, through UNH campus and finished with 2 miles of wicked hills back to the house. Vicki had made quite a spread of eggs, pancakes, quiche and lots of backed goods. Note: Bunion was achey but not impossible. I want to get it healed before Boston so I need to take it easy... Yes, Adam, I willtake it easy!! The "Run Faster, Run Less" 16 week plan has worked out well for this old body. The hills today were an added challenge, but they only made me stronger. I am looking forward to backing off the intensity a bit, though this week has the following: Intervals - 10x400, 5 Mile Tempo amd 13 miler on Sunday at MP. This boy is tired, but glad its done.
