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5:05 AM

15.1 mi


8:46 mi


Love the aqueducts...great morning, torrential rains, lots of quality mud. Lower back tight but all else is good. Food - GU Chomps (cranberry apple), fluid - 20 oz water w/1 scoop CP.

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

8 miles + strides. Ideally you should try to run the strides on a football field for a soft surface like grass.

Wu) ~30:00 starting super slow and gradually building to a PE of HR 140-150.

Then run 10 X 40" strides at ~6:20-6:40 pace, think relaxed and fast, no straining. Hold form through out all 10.

Jog very light and slow for just 40" in to the next stride. This can be a fairly tough session with such little rest.

No HR monitor today. Finish the run at PE of HR 140-150.
