Run: Hill Previous Next


6:00 AM

8.1 mi


8:11 mi


10 / 10
10 / 10
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<No name>


Approximately 4.5 miles of easy warmup and then worked a 13% grade hill for all of the hill repeats...really felt super powerful this morning. Was able to recover pretty quickly after the 1:30's (only about a minute or so needed). The hill I picked was perfect because it was exactly 1:30 to the peak going :45 at 80% and :45 at 100%. Have to remember this one for future use....

Training Plan Entry


7 mi

Hill intervals- building on last week.

Wu) as much as you need to get loose and ready.

The main set is:

1'/ 1'/ 1:30 done 3 times through. After each 1' interval you'll jog easy back to the start, then after the 1:30 intervals I want more recovery with some walking to get HR down. This will allow you to run the intervals at a higher quality.

The efforts on these are hard but controlled or slightly harder than 5k effort. What I do is run the first half relaxed and fast at a PE of ~7 out of 10
