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5:30 AM

10 mi


8:46 mi

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<No name>


12 miles Progression.

Start easy and slow and very gradually build. Hold ~MAF effort to mile 8.. then run the last 4 miles relaxed, quick but comfortable. shoot for goal effort for Black Cat.

Cd) light jog/ walk for a few minutes.


sucky morning...negative 10 degrees or so at the start so I picked a course I thought would allow for better running but was overrun with traffic by too pissed off to give a fuck.

Training Plan Entry


12 mi

12 miles Progression.

Start easy and slow and very gradually build. Hold ~MAF effort to mile 8.. then run the last 4 miles relaxed, quick but comfortable. shoot for goal effort for Black Cat.

Cd) light jog/ walk for a few minutes.
