Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

20.7 mi


8:07 mi

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Workout was:

3 miles warm-up. Just jogging.

Then with your GPS- run ~8 miles as 10 X 3:00 at 6:50-7:00 pace. Never faster. The goal here is to work on race specific pace so running faster is not the goal. Jog after each for 3:00 at no slower than 7:30 pace.

Then run 4 miles easy and relaxed- just run how you feel for the added volume on your legs.

The last 5 is done as a progression run as you feel. Just run strong similar to how you want to at Black Cat. Keep yourself on the edge.

Ran it like this:

3 miles @ ~28 min...lot of deep snow and so just got HR up and loosened up

8.4 miles @ 1:02...10 x 3/3 and was holding pace the whole way as written but it super kicked my ass for whatever reason

4 miles @ ~32 min...just cruised it out and kept the tempo...lots of crappy mush snow

5 miles @ ~46 min...brought it down fast but blew my load trying to go a hard 5k to finish and ended up with a 25 flat for the last 5k...was just super spent

great day all over
