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5:00 AM

15 mi


9:21 mi

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<No name>



3 loops at Wachusett. Each ascent was 1 mile @ 90%, 1 mile hard power hike, .5 mile all out and then I descended the 2.5 miles at a moderate pace. Each loop was 47 minutes. Very good workout today.

Training Plan Entry


16 mi

16 miles with tempo. Tempo is roughly a Z3 effort or for you HR 150-160, so avoid going over HR 160 today.

A rolling course is good for this and hold HR up on the downs.

Wu) Start super relaxed and light and slowly build HR up to 140-150 and hold it. At 10 miles elevate HR to 150-160 and hold this for the last 6 miles to the finish.

Diligent hydration and nutrition intake as always.
