Run: Tempo Previous Next


4.5 mi


7:26 mi


70 F
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It was a bit humid in the rec today with really bad airflow.

That said, the "surge mile" in the middle of this run (for mile 3) felt good. Hit it in 6:31.

Slow, sure, but still it was 15 seconds under my 5k race pace at balloonfest just a bit more than 2 weeks ago.

Soon enough I will be getting surge miles back into the 5:40 range, and hopefully doing tempos---not races---in the 6:20s and 30s range.

Need to get comfortable with 620 pace for the longer races if I want to be at all successful. At 6:20 you are just low 1:20s for marathon. Really I want to be hitting an HM personal best (ie, cracking 1:19:00).
